Dog training is a vital part of your relationship with your pet. It helps your pet learn and behave, as well as prevents bad behaviors from developing.
Positive reinforcement is the key to training. This means rewarding the behavior you want and ignoring the one you don’t like. For example, when your pup has an accident in the house, you should clean it up but not scold them or physically punish them.

Obedience training teaches your dog basic commands, such as “sit,” “down,” and “stay.” These commands make navigating the relationship between animal and human much easier. They can also help curb problematic behaviors like jumping, digging, chewing and barking.
The key to obedience training is consistency. Daily practice of short obedience training sessions — around ten to fifteen minutes — is crucial to your success. Your training sessions can be done during walks, playtime, or even meal times to give your dog a chance to focus on you and build that guidance-based relationship.
You can also seek professional assistance to help you teach your dog the basics and correct problem behaviors. Whether through obedience classes, B-Mod or behavior modification techniques, professional help will ensure that you and your dog get the most out of your partnership together. A well-trained pup will lead a happier, healthier life. You may even find you both enjoy each other more!
Dogs that are confident, happy and easy to be around likely were well-socialized as puppies. Sadly, many dogs that did not have this opportunity can become fearful of new people and situations or turn to aggression.
One of the most important things we train in our training sessions is how to handle these situations using the correct technique. For example, if your dog lunges at another dog and you yell and jerk on the leash to pull them away, they will learn that this thing they are afraid of (other dogs) predicts the negative consequence (your punishment).
Instead, we use methods like habituation, desensitization, and counterconditioning to help your dog develop the ability to be in stressful situations and cope with them by staying calm. This may not make your dog a total social butterfly, but it will allow them to be able to go for walks and visits to the vet or even the Fourth of July parade without becoming panicked.
Training your dog’s mind
Dogs that do not receive mental stimulation can develop a wide range of behaviors, such as destructive chewing, barking and whining. Luckily, dogs love to learn and training can be a great bonding time with your pet.
Use positive reinforcement and be patient with your dog during training sessions. Anger and impatience will only slow down the process and confuse your pet.
Try to start with basic commands like “sit” and build up to more complex behavior, such as playing tug-of-war. Brain games are also a great way to engage your dog and can help them stay mentally sharp.
Try hiding small pieces of kibble around the house and telling your dog to find them, or buy puzzle feeders designed to stimulate a dog’s problem-solving skills. Also, try playing hide-and-seek. Many dogs love this game and it allows them to explore their environment and sniff the scents they enjoy most. This can lower their heart rate, reduce stress levels and release dopamine, the happy hormone. Love your dog by learning more about them at Bulldogology.
Training your dog’s body
Training a dog’s body can be fun and rewarding. It’s also a great way to build your bond. But before you start, be sure your pup is up for the challenge. If their body language says they are stressed or distracted, it may be best to postpone your training session.
Dog trainers are expert readers of a dog’s body language. They can also figure out what will motivate them by watching the way a dog responds to different stimuli. For example, some dogs respond best to a clicker while others don’t.
To train your dog’s body, start with a place where they are comfortable being touched (front paws are a good choice). Prepare a kiddie paddling pool and put your pup in it with a hose attachment that is able to spray water for several seconds. Then use a treat as the trigger to get them to shake off. Start with just a couple of inches of touching and gradually move closer to the end goal location.